I Won! #NaNoWinner2021

Hey Dreamers! You're probably wondering: Why hasn't Dreamstar posted in so long? Well, here's the answer: National Novel Writing Month!

That's right: NaNoWriMo. You might have heard about this from the writer in your life, or maybe you've done it yourself! But if you haven't, NaNoWriMo (nan-oh-rye-moh) is a goal to write 50,000 words in one month, traditionally November. It's huge, it's like interning at Hades' lair, but it's also AMAZING! And afterwards, you get to chill and think "Yup, I did it. I wrote a novel". Which brings me back to the reason I haven't posted...

I spent most of October doing one or more of the following:

1) Panicking
2) Planning in the hopes of banishing the panic
3) Getting ready to quit before I even started

and 4) Trying not to scream.

Yeah, that month was kinda tiring. But hey, I started, I did it, and now I'm working on the sequel! And I'm not trying to say "haha, I wrote a novel and you suck because you didn't". Definitely not! Every single word you write matters, regardless of word count or type of story. I'm just letting you know that I haven't been posting because I've been busy with literally everything in life lol.

Let me know if YOU participated in Nano this year!


(Oh and P.S, I'm delighted to welcome Nia K to Penfam as a collab author!


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