6 Things You Should Know if the Writer in Your Life is Working on a Novel (Especially fantasy!)

Hey guys! Welcome to another blog post (which is a little bit different ;D)!

Before we begin, it should be noted that 

#1 This is meant for educational + entertainment purposes, so you don't have to take it too seriously; 

#2 You don't have to be a writer to experience these things! and 

#3 These are personal thoughts and opinions; in reality it varies from writer to writer. 

With that in mind, let's start:

Are you the parent/sibling/friend/romantic partner of a writer? Are you worried if they're behaving strangely? Well, I'm here to help!

1. They'll need to research weird things. Sometimes it can be for description, dialogue, or plotline, but generally, a writer's study range is all over the place. I've had to research everything from the taste of matcha to possible fox coat colors to the extensive market of a wool blanket xD (not me exposing myself!) My older brother always says my browsing history is weird 😋.

2. They will seem preoccupied. You may have to talk louder than usual for the writer to hear you, which will seem frustrating, but know that their mind is probably teeming with thoughts and ideas for stories (to other night owl writers, this is way more likely to happen to you!). Some of my wittiest dialogues have been made at night, if I'm being honest (which I am 😉).

3. They will seem more tired and stressed. Never try a cranky writer! This is partly because of the overflowing mind mentioned above ^^, but writers can also be more prone to it if they're trying to reach a word-count goal for editing or writing.
You can support the writer by being kind and understanding, as it'll only make it worse if you get annoyed with them (but the writer should know where to draw the line!)

4. They may talk to themselves. This might seem like the weirdest so far, but it's true. Many writers mutter under their breaths, sometimes to hear how their writing sounds out loud, other times possibly subconsciously. 
I'd advise you not to question it because A. the writer won't appreciate all the ideas leaving their brain (particularly plot and dialogue ones!), and B. You probably don't want to get clobbered because of that.

5. They will have mood swings. I have, and I'm sure I'm not alone, cried when writing sad scenes in my stories. I also laugh out loud when I come up with the perfect comeback, or want to slap my character in the face for saying something heartless or stupid. These moods carry a writer through their day as well, which can seem very strange. Like, if you're talking to the writer while they're working, they might randomly interrupt you by laughing, crying, or staring daggers at the screen. Like, what?!

6. They will get offended when you criticize their characters, world, and/or plot. All of the tiredness, stress, mood swings, preoccupation, and strenuous research can build up to such an extreme that they will be more prone to anger.
I had a heated argument with my older brother about my main character's genetics and ethnic background while I was editing my novel, since she was Pakistani-American-German but raised by a single adoptive Japanese mother. Again, please have patience, kindness, and respect when giving opinions on the writer's work. I'm sure they'll appreciate it :).

Hopefully this post gave you a lot of insight into the mind of a writer and their emotions. I cannot express thoroughly enough how important it is to have compassion for the writer in your life, because they may suffer mental health issues if treated too harshly.

Remember to take care of yourself in this crazy world, and that someone always cares about you, and as always, keep on dreaming.



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